PROMISES, PROMISES: Honestly, I had every intention of updating last week but a plague of locusts was threatening to eat all the food in my cupboard, so I had to stay inside until they got bored and went away. So to make up for it, I'm going to update twice in one day. First off- The Skeletor Joke. A short time ago we were all sitting in the Railway Club when Ian mentioned that the line "Skeletor walks into a bar" was just too good not to have a punchline attached to it. So the next day, while waiting for a bus I came up with this. It's not big, it's not clever but at the end of the day, it's the best any of us have got so far...

"Where the hell's my Latte?"
Skeletor walks into a bar to meet up with the rest of the gang: He-Man, Man-at-Arms, Battlecat, Evil Lyn and everyone. He sits down, has a couple of drinks until it's his round. As he reaches for his pocket, he realises that in fact he doesn't have any, so he turns to Evil Lyn and asks her to lend him a twenty.
"No" she says, "You know full well I'm saving for that typing course, and if I lend you this money I'll never see it again"
"But you're supposed to be my henchperson! You have to lend me it!" Skeletor replies.
The others around the table mutter agreement but Evil Lyn remains adamant that she won't part with the cash. So with a sigh He-Man stands up and bursts into a song and dance routine worthy of Broadway. He's graceful. He has an amazing voice and he prances like a Prima Ballerina. Perhaps understandably the others are stunned, including Evil Lyn who immediately hands over the readies to Skeletor. Everyone orders beer except for He-Man who asks for a Cosmoplitan.
Shaking his head, Skeletor goes to the bar. On his return Skeletor asks He-Man "How did you get Evil Lyn to lend me that money?"
"Simple" He-Man replies "I used the power of GaySkull."
told you it wasn't clever...
I meant to say Clever, no. Funny, no.
I like this one. Bizarrely when trying to come up with my own punch line I kept thinking of Greyskull based puns. Something in the water.
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