Which is good because now I only have to write half as much. This is the gang on halloween (the most holy of the weens). Names from left to right are Alan (golfer), Ian (buddy holly), Paul (monk), Simon (footballer (?)), Me (Zombie), Debs (Cop), Pete (Chef), Gavin (Hunter S. Thompson),Chris (Hawaiian Babe) Andy (crayon) and Rachel (Angel/Devil). This was before the crazy golf, "Thriller" re-enactment, bar invasion, shoulder rides and good-natured drunken lunacy that marked this night as one of the better ones so far. As for the photo of Chris and Andy below, I have no idea or any real desire to know where Andy's head is or what it's doing there, frankly the fact that Gavin even took a photo is a little disturbing...
I haven't got any new photos of my own, largely because the last pack of batteries I bought were flat before I used them (try proving that to the guy on the checkout) so you're just going to have to wait some more. Needless to say I'm having a much better time than anybody reading this, and the real reason I haven't bought any batteries is that I'm having far too much fun to worry about anything so menial. That and the fact I can't afford them. Happily, I get paid on Tuesday and so can afford the little luxuries I've been putting off until I have some money, like a stereo, waterproof boots, a new coat and that pesky liver transplant surgery. But the stereo first I think.
In all seriousness though, Vancouver is a very cool (if wet) place with plenty to see and do. This is spoilt somewhat by the fact that I have to work most of the week, and I have yet to make enough money to do any travelling, but I shiver with anticipation (or maybe the rain) at a time when I can actually do all the things I want to do.

Yes, I was drunk... sorry mum.
Top Five Best Things About Vancouver So Far:
1. The view
2. The people
3. The food
4. The cheap CD's
5. The fact that I've got a foreign accent, suggesting to others that I have led an interesting and exotic life
Top Five Worst Things About Vancouver So Far:
1. Everyone thinks I have an Australian accent
2. The weather
3. They don't include tax on price tags
4. You keep having to tip people
5. The total lack of Jaffa cakes.

Which is good because now I only have to write half as much. This is the gang on halloween (the most holy of the weens). Names from left to right are Alan (golfer), Ian (buddy holly), Paul (monk), Simon (footballer (?)), Me (Zombie), Debs (Cop), Pete (Chef), Gavin (Hunter S. Thompson),Chris (Hawaiian Babe) Andy (crayon) and Rachel (Angel/Devil). This was before the crazy golf, "Thriller" re-enactment, bar invasion, shoulder rides and good-natured drunken lunacy that marked this night as one of the better ones so far. As for the photo of Chris and Andy below, I have no idea or any real desire to know where Andy's head is or what it's doing there, frankly the fact that Gavin even took a photo is a little disturbing...

In all seriousness though, Vancouver is a very cool (if wet) place with plenty to see and do. This is spoilt somewhat by the fact that I have to work most of the week, and I have yet to make enough money to do any travelling, but I shiver with anticipation (or maybe the rain) at a time when I can actually do all the things I want to do.

Yes, I was drunk... sorry mum.
Top Five Best Things About Vancouver So Far:
1. The view
2. The people
3. The food
4. The cheap CD's
5. The fact that I've got a foreign accent, suggesting to others that I have led an interesting and exotic life
Top Five Worst Things About Vancouver So Far:
1. Everyone thinks I have an Australian accent
2. The weather
3. They don't include tax on price tags
4. You keep having to tip people
5. The total lack of Jaffa cakes.
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