I KNOW HOW IT LOOKS, obviously I haven't updated this in a while so it would be easy to assume that either I've had nothing to talk about or I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to write anything. But of course the truth is if I'm given a choice of writing on my blog or watching an episode of the original series of Star Trek followed by a round of retro console games with whoever happens to be around- well you get the idea anyway...
Of course that's not to say that I haven't got anything to say. Once again I'm going to fall back on my bullet-point summary of the last month or so , with the aid of other people's blogs in order to jog my memory.
Of course that's not to say that I haven't got anything to say. Once again I'm going to fall back on my bullet-point summary of the last month or so , with the aid of other people's blogs in order to jog my memory.
- January 9th to 16th- Rain. Analysis of other blogs reveals that's pretty much all that happened. Dinners consist largely of pasta or rice. Begin playing five-a-side footy with some of the others. Only one Canadian present, but what he lacks in height, personality and ability, he makes up for in arrogance. Legs hurt.
- January 17th to 24th- Continued rain. Dinners consist largely of pasta or rice. A plan is formed for coast to coast road trip of North America at the end of the year if anybody can afford it, and if we have a big enough car, and if any of us can drive it, and if they'll let us take the car over the border. Sunderland lose again.
- Janurary 25th to 31st- More rain. Canada gets new Conservative Prime Minister- at least now campaigners will stop asking us who we're going to vote for. Dinners consist largely of pasta or rice. Visit Year of the Dog parade in Chinatown
which I have to leave for 20 minutes in order to find food (not a burger van in sight, what are the odds?). Debs moves out. Paul Banks aquires yet more housemates.
- Feburary 1st to 10th- SUN! Sweet, glorious sunlight! Some light drizzle. Dinners consist largely of pasta or rice. Get pay raise at the Party Bazaar. Meet low level sci-fi actor at work (apparently his name is Gary Jones) who plays that guy in Stargate who tells everyone when the gate is open...wears glasses...balding...no? Here's his picture anyway. That's Gary "Not Patrick Stewart" Jones...
Hurt neck playing football.
- Feburary 11th to today- Continued sun with occasional cloud. Go see hockey game (Vancouver Canucks v Minnesota Wild). Would like to extend thanks to Sweeden for providing the Sedin brothers who secure win in Sudden Death Overtime (really not as over the top as it sounds). Dinners consist largely of pasta and rice. Twist ankle playing football. Simon breaks toe. Oh, and we've got a new housemate her name's Liz and she's from Oldham (no, really) she's a Bunac'er too and came over a month after us.
The next update will be sooner. Probably.
Go Canucks Go!