WHISTLER- 2 AWESOME: Yes. at last we all actually got our collective acts together and finally made it to Whistler. Okay to be fair half of us had already been before, and two more only just got in the country so really it was me and Paul who finally got it together. Actually Paul might have already been before too. Anyway, the important thing here is that I finally made it to Whistler and yes it was damn fun.
But before I get to that, I have to mention the Subways gig that Me, Simon (and his friend Meredith) and Chris (and his friend Erin) went to. It did in fact rock like a bastard, and yes I did stink like a dog afterwards. Me, Chris and Erin were essentially the driving force behind all the jumping-up-and-down-stuff while Simon was at the back stealing drinks off of girls. I'm trying to get a couple of the photos off him, but at the moment he's censoring them on the grounds we were just too sweaty. Later there was Yam fries and wrestling in the street.
Talking about Yam fries, Whistler was also good depite the fact that within 2 hours of getting there we found ourselves in The Worst Club On Earth. And yes I include The Works in Canterbury. To be fair we were the first people there, and it was free, and there was porn in the guys toilets (but none in the ladies, much to Hannah's annoyance. Hannah is Ian's friend from home. Read his blog if you really want more information. Also Simon's friend Duggan was there. Again, you're probably better off reading Simon's blog for details).
Ian begins to regret shelling out extra for the VIP section. (Kazoo not shown)
We later went to a better club. I say better because there were other people there and the music was less shit. It did however annoy as soon as I walked through the door after they made me check my coat, and then charged me $2.50 for the privilige, despite letting Duggan walk straight past. Also the DJ told Simon to fuck off when he asked for a request. He didn't even make it to the song title.

The second club, from the "HandbagCam" angle.
The next day was a little more action packed. First off, a quick spot of snowmobiling. To say it was fun is probably a bit of an understatement, but due to my limited vocabulary, it'll have to do.

After a brief experiment, it was decided it would be best if we got a skidoo each.
The lengths we went to in order to find an open KFC
It was all going pretty well until the guide called a halt. After I parked up I realised there was nobody behind us. The guide instructed me to wait where I was while she went to check what was wrong. Essentially I was in the middle of nowhere, unable to hear anyone or anything and was hoping both that nothing serious had happened to anyone, and that I wasn't about to have my first taste of Canadian wildlife. As it turned out Hannah had drove her skidoo into a ditch. She was unhurt, but as you can see from the photo below, the skidoo was pretty much jammed, and so she had to ride home on Ian's.
Later we went tubing, a less adrenaline fuelled experience, but good nonetheless. Basically it involved sliding down a snow covered slope on a rubber ring for an hour and was in fact suprisingly tiring. Now if only my tax rebate would come through, I'd be able to pay for the whole thing.
The gang in Whistler